2025 Preseason Checklist​


Getting ready to implement AuditMiner for your upcoming audit season? Use this checklist to make sure your team is fully prepared!

Add or remove users

Clean up your account to start the year. Add new members to your team or change users’ status if they no longer need access. 

Add New Users

  1. Click Manage Users on the left navigation.
  2. Click New User.
  3. Add the user’s first name, last name, and email address.
  4. Select the user’s role, then click save.

Deactivate Past Users

  1. Click on the three dots by the user you would like to deactivate.
  2. Click Edit User.
  3. In the status dropdown, change the user to Inactive. Click Save.

Admin have full control over all engagements, users, clients and testing procedures/sampling for their firm.

Users can create new engagements, edit and see existing engagements which they were previously assigned to and they are also able to create new clients via the manage clients page.

Update procedures

Add or update any procedures to get ready for your 2025 EBP audits. 

Add or Edit Custom Procedures

  1. Click Firm Testing Setup on the left navigation.
  2. Click the section you want to update.
  3. Type your new procedure or click the edit icon to edit an existing procedure.
  4. Save or add to update your procedures!


Note: This will update the procedures for all engagements created in the future. It won’t update any existing engagements. 

Update sampling

Make updates for your sampling to get ready for 2025 EBP audits. 

Adjust sampling

  1. Click Firm Testing Setup on the left navigation.
  2. Click the section you want to update.
  3. Adjust the sampling settings (population source, sampling method, sampling type, and ISI settings)

ISI Sampling

Select ISI sampling for distributions, loans and rollovers.

  1. Set a dollar value threshold to determine which items are individually significant.
  2. AuditMiner identifies and separates high-value items based on the user-defined threshold.
  3. After identifying the ISIs, the system randomly selects additional sample items from the remaining population to meet the desired sample size.

: This will update the sampling for all engagements created in the future. It won’t update any existing engagements. 

Choose your AuditMiner engagements

As you plan your EBP audit season, consider which plans you’ll run with AuditMiner. 

This season AuditMiner supports sixteen different recordkeepers to provide up to ten workpapers. (Don’t forget to check out our workpaper templates for plans with other providers).

2025 Recordkeepers

  • ADP
  • American Funds—Empower
  • American Funds—Legacy
  • Ascensus
  • CUNA Mutual
  • Empower
  • Fidelity
  • Fifth Third Bank
  • John Hancock
  • Lincoln Financial
  • Mutual of Omaha
  • Principal
  • TIAA-Cref
  • Transamerica
  • Vanguard—Ascensus
  • Voya


For more details on the workpapers for each provider, check out the AuditMiner resource center.

Download workpaper templates

Have engagements that aren’t compatible with AuditMiner? Use our blank templates to standardize your workpapers.

Lock and roll forward engagements

Rolling plans forward will provide prior year numbers in the subsequent period’s workpapers.

Lock Your Engagement

Make sure you download the results from your engagement before locking.

  1. Click on the three dots by the engagement you want to lock. 
  2. Choose Lock Engagement

Roll Forward Your Engagement

  1. Once you’ve locked your engagement, click on the menu icon again.
  2. Choose Roll Forward

Your new engagement will be available in Manage Engagements.